10 Desember 2010: peraih TIDAK MERAIH

Sabtu, 11/12/2010 11:21 WIB
Nobel Perdamaian Untuk Pembangkang China Resmi Diserahkan di Oslo
Rita Uli Hutapea - detikNews

Oslo - Penghargaan Nobel Perdamaian secara resmi diserahkan ke pembangkang China, Liu Xiaobo dalam seremoni di Oslo, Norwegia. Seremoni itu tidak dihadiri Liu yang sedang mendekam di penjara China.

Hadian Nobel untuk Liu diletakkan di kursi kosong yang seharusnya diduduki Liu dalam seremoni penyerahan Nobel tersebut. Liu tidak diizinkan oleh otoritas China untuk menerima langsung hadiah bergengsi tersebut. Otoritas China juga melarang keluarga Liu menghadiri seremoni Nobel di Oslo.

Liu saat ini tengah menjalani hukuman penjara 11 tahun atas dakwaan "hasutan untuk menggulingkan kekuasaan pemerintah". Liu dipenjara setelah menulis sebuah surat yang meminta adanya kebebasan politik yang lebih luas dan kemudian menyuruh 300 orang untuk menandatangani surat tersebut.

Dalam seremoni di Oslo, sebagai ganti atas pidato penerimaan hadiah, panitia Nobel membacakan pidato akhir Liu di pengadilan ketika dirinya divonis tahun lalu atas dakwaan hasutan. Pidato tersebut dibacakan oleh aktris Norwegia, Liv Ullmann.

"Saya ingin mengatakan pada rezim ini yang telah merampas kebebasan saya... Saya tak punya musuh dan tak ada kebencian," demikian dibacakan oleh ujar Ullmann seperti dilansir Herald Sun, Sabtu (11/12/2010).

Pidato Liu ditutup dengan ungkapan dedikasi untuk istrinya, Liu Xia. Wanita itu saat ini dikenai tahanan rumah guna mencegah dirinya mengambil hadiah Nobel untuk Liu.

Komite Nobel memuji Liu atas "perjuangan panjang dan tanpa kekerasan untuk HAM mendasar di China." Ketua Komite Nobel Thorbjorn Jagland mengkritik China yang memenjarakan Liu hanya karena mengungkapkan pendapatnya mengenai bagaimana seharusnya negaranya dipimpin.

Presiden AS Barack Obama, yang meraih Nobel Perdamaian tahun lalu, juga memuji Liu. "Liu Xiaobo jauh lebih layak menerima penghargaan ini daripada saya," kata Obama.


Sabtu, 11/12/2010 04:27 WIB
Kursi Kosong Liu jadi Perhatian Utama Upacara Penghargaan Nobel Perdamaian
Irwan Nugroho - detikNews

Oslo - Upacara penghargaan nobel perdamaian untuk aktivis pro demokrasi China, Liu Xiaobo, digelar di Oslo, Norwegia. Penghargaan itu diberikan tanpa kehadiran Liu, yang dipenjara 11 tahun oleh negara asalnya. Mata hadirin tertuju pada kursi untuknya yang kosong.

Fokus perhatian dalam acara di Oslo's City Hall, Jumat (10/12/2010), itu bukanlah tampilnya seorang pemenang nobel di atas panggung, yang dengan bangga menerima hadiah bergengsi. Namun, kursi kosong yang berada di barisan paling depan.

Liu atau yang mewakili seharusnya duduk bersama pada anggota Komite Nobel Norwegia. Namun, kursi itu tetap kosong hingga Ketua Komite Thorbjoern Jagland meletakkan penghargaan untuk Liu di atasnya. Sekitar 1.000 undangan yang hadir menyambut dengan tepuk tangan meriah, termasuk Raja Norwegia Harald dan Ratu Sonja.

Sebuah foto Liu memakai kacamata dan tersenyum, digantung di dekat kursi. Tiadanya perwakilan penerima nobel ini adalah untuk pertamakalinya sejak tahun 1975 tahun, ketika pemenang nobel asal Moskow, fisikawan Andrei Sakharov, saat itu juga tidak bisa hadir.

Istri Liu, Liu Xia, maupun kerabatnya, dikenai tahanan rumah oleh otoritas Beijing sejak Oktober dan tidak diperbolehkan melakukan perjalanan ke luar negeri. Demikian seperti dikutip dari reuters.

Aktris Liv Ullmann membacakan pernyataan terakhir Liu yang dibuat pada Desember 2009 atas tuduhan subversi terhadap negara. Liu mendedikasikan nobel yang diterimanya itu untuk "Jiwa-jiwa yang hilang", yaitu para korban dalam tragedi Tiananmen tahun 1989.

"Saya tidak punya musuh dan tidak punya Kebencian. Tidak ada polisi yang memonitor, menahan, dan menginterogasi saya. Tidak ada jaksa yang mendakwa saya," kata Liu seperti dibacakan oleh Ullmann.

Aktris itu juga membacakan kata-kata cinta Liu untuk sang istri. "Cintamu adalah sinar matahari yang melompat lebih tinggi dan menembus jeruji besi jendela tempatku dipenjara. Bahkan jika aku hancur menjadi bubuk, aku masih akan menggunakan abuku untuk menerimamu," ucap Liu.

Seorang teman Liu Xiaobo, Lu Jing Hua (50), yang hadir di upacara penghargaan itu mengaku sangat sedih atas nasib yang menimpa sabahatnya. Namun, ia juga menyimpan kebanggaan kepada Liu Xiaobo.

"Saya merasa sangat senang karena semua orang tahu bahwa hadiah ini adalah suatu kehormatan yang besar bagi Liu Xiaobo," ungkapnya.

Hingga menit-menit terakhir, sebanyak 6 negara menyatakan menolak menghadiri seremoni tersebut. Sedangkan 16 negara memilih tidak menjawab undangan Panitia Nobel. Kementerian Luar Negeri RI menyatakan pihak Indonesia hadir diwakili oleh Kuasa Usaha di Oslo.

Pada Desember 2009 lalu, Liu divonis penjara selama 11 tahun atas dakwaan subversif terhadap kekuasaan pemerintah. Aktivis berumur 54 tahun itu sebelumnya juga pernah bertahun-tahun dipenjara atas keterlibatannya dalam aksi protes prodemokrasi di Tiananmen pada tahun 1989. (irw/irw)
China stands firm against Liu Xiaobo Nobel prize

The Nobel Peace Prize committee is preparing to host its award ceremony, amid continuing anger from the Chinese government at this year's winner.

Dissident Liu Xiaobo - jailed in north-east China for political offences - will not be in Norway to get his prize.

China has waged a wide-ranging campaign to discredit the award in recent weeks.

Ahead of the ceremony, the UN said it had information that China had detained at least 20 activists and was making efforts to block Western media.

A further 120 cases of house arrest, travel restriction, forced relocation and other acts of intimidation have been reported.

The BBC's Damian Grammaticas, outside Liu Xiaobo's home in Beijing, says uniformed and plainclothes officers guarding the compound.

Mr Liu's wife, Liu Xia, is under house arrest.
Intense politics
Continue reading the main story
Why China considers Liu Xiaobo a threat

* 1989: leading activist in Tiananmen Square protests for democratisation; jailed for two years
* 1996: spoke out against China's one-party system; sent to labour camp for three years
* 2008: co-author of Charter 08, calling for a new constitution, an independent judiciary and freedom of expression;
* 2009: jailed for subversion for 11 years; verdict says he "had the goal of subverting our country's people's democratic dictatorship and socialist system. The effects were malign and he is a major criminal".

Of about 50 countries invited to the Nobel ceremony, almost a third are staying away, including Russia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, many as a result of Chinese pressure.

However, Serbia - which had previously said it would not attend - announced on Friday that it would be sending a representative.

The Serbian government, which has warm relations with China, had come under pressure from within the European Union and from political parties and civil society groups in Serbia to attend.

Beijing has sought to prevent anyone travelling from China to Oslo to collect the prize on Mr Liu's behalf.

And a Chinese group of academics launched their own award, the Confucius Peace Prize, in the Chinese capital on Thursday.

Nobel committee chairman Thorbjorn Jagland has said the award should not be seen as a statement against China.

The BBC's world affairs correspondent Mike Wooldridge says that the intense politics surrounding this year's Nobel peace laureate will overshadow the ceremony itself.
Continue reading the main story
China press comments

China's English-language newspapers had big front-page articles about the Nobel Peace Prize - and China's objection to the award.

But the issue was given less prominence in Chinese-language newspapers.

The two most important stories on the front page of the Beijing Morning Post were about vehicle tax and private kindergartens.

There was, however, a commentary piece in the People's Daily, the Chinese Communist Party's newspaper.

It ran an editorial attacking the Nobel Peace Prize committee, saying it faced an "unprecedented embarrassing situation".

But it also felt compelled to defend China's position in not allowing Liu Xiaobo to attend the prize ceremony.

"No country in the world that is governed by laws would allow a high-sounding criminal to leave and 'pick up an award'," said the commentary.

And the Chinese-language Global Times suggested there was great division among countries about whether the award was a good thing.

To the Nobel Committee, Liu Xiaobo symbolises a message it was keen to send to China - that its growing economic strength and power do not exempt it from universal standards of human rights.

On the other hand, China says the committee has chosen a criminal convicted under Chinese law to serve the interests of certain Western countries, our correspondent says.

Liu Xiaobo first came to prominence when he took part in the 1989 protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

He was sent to prison for nearly two years for his role, and has been a critic of the Chinese government ever since.

He was given an 11-year prison sentence in December 2009 for inciting the subversion of state power, a charge which came after he co-authored a document known as Charter 08.

The document calls openly for political reforms in China, such as a separation of powers and legislative democracy.

This year marks the first time since 1936 that the Nobel Peace Prize, now worth $1.5m, will not be handed out.

UN human rights chief Navi Pillay on Thursday again called for Mr Liu to be released "as soon as possible".

The Chinese government has been furious about the award ever since it was announced in October that Liu Xiaobo had won it.

Beijing says that Mr Liu is a criminal, and insists that giving him a prize is an insult to China's judicial system.

As well as putting Liu Xia, the Nobel laureate's wife, under house arrest, the authorities have put pressure on other activists and dissidents.

Some have been prevented from leaving the country, while others have been forced to leave their homes for the next few days, according to the Chinese Human Rights Defenders.

One of those to disappear, it said, was Zhang Zuhua, the man who co-wrote Charter 08.

The BBC's Damian Grammaticas reports from the prison holding Liu Xiaobo

Meanwhile, the BBC website appears to have been blocked in China.

Users in several parts of the country have reported that they are unable to access the BBC's internet site, while the BBC has noticed a steep drop in traffic from China.

It is the first time the BBC's English-language website has been blocked since the Beijing Olympics in 2008. Access to other international news sites such as CNN also appears to be restricted.


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