ilahistik seolah-olah

buat umat beragama, pembunuhan apa pun motifnya adalah dosa
dosa tidak bisa ditawar-tawar
namun ada pandangan yang dikaitkan dengan ajaran agama, yaitu soal pembunuhan yang terkait kepentingan pemeluk agama tersebut
pembunuhan yang terkait kepentingan pemeluk agama tersebut jelas adalah usaha pembenaran atas tindakan pembunuhan, yang adalah dosa tersebut
pembenaran atas dosa adalah cara terbaik mengaburkan tujuan utama dengan tujuan SEOLAH-OLAH ilahi
pembenaran atas dosa adalah pembenaran atas KESEOLAH-OLAHAN tindakan ilahistik
yang ilahistik adalah tindakan Allah pada manusia
pembenaran atas dosa adalah pembenaran atas KESEOLAH-OLAHAN TINDAKAN ALLAH PADA MANUSIA
karena sang Allah tidak tampak, yang tampak adalah sang manusia pelakunya
selalu menjadi pertanyaan dan ujian utama adalah Allah atau manusia itu sendiri yang melakukan TINDAKAN ALLAH yang diseolah-olahkan itu
yang pedih dan perih, tindakan pembunuhan atas dasar tujuan utama MEMEGAHKAN KEPENTINGAN KELOMPOK dan tujuan SEOLAH-OLAH ilahistik DIARAHKAN JUSTRU PADA SESAMA UMAT DALAM AGAMA YANG SEJENIS, serupa, sama, dan dengan perbedaan ajaran yang relatif
pedih dan perih saja memang tidak akan pernah menghentikan pembunuhan yang seolah-olah ilahistik yang diperbuat manusia pemeluk agama terhadap pemeluk agama yang sama tersebut
Selasa, 30/11/2010 03:14 WIB
Diserang Teroris, Ilmuwan Nuklir Iran Tewas
E Mei Amelia R - detikNews

Teheran - Seorang ilmuwan nuklir Iran, Dr Majid Syahriari tewas dalam sebuah serangan bom di Teheran. Serangan bom mobil itu juga mengakibatkan sejumlah warga lainnya terluka.

"Dr Majid Syariari tewas dan istrinya terluka. Juga Dr Feredoon Abbasi dan istrinya terluka," kata situs jaringan televisi Iran seperti dilansir detikcom dari Reuters, Selasa (30/11/2010).

Menurut kantor berita resmi IRNA, Shahriari adalah anggota Departemen Teknik Nuklir Shahid Beheshti University di Teheran utara.

Dalam serangan teroris tersebut, agen rezim zionis menyerang kedua profesor di universitas terkemuka. Kedua korban saat itu dalam perjalanan bekerja.

Kantor berita Fars mengatakan para ilmuwan itu ditargetkan di dua lokasi yang berbeda. Di mana seorang laki-laki yang menggunakan motor mendekati kendaraan korban lalu melekatkan bom pada mobil mereka.

Attack on Iranian nuclear scientists prompts hit squad claims
Tehran accuses the west and Israel of arranging co-ordinated bombings targeting its atomic programme

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has blamed 'western governments and the Zionist regime' for the attacks.
Tehran today accused the west and Israel of dispatching a hit squad against its atomic programme, after an Iranian nuclear scientist was killed and another injured in co-ordinated attacks.

The attackers rode up on motorcycles and stuck bombs to the windows of the scientists' cars as they were leaving their homes in Tehran on the way to work. Seconds later the bombs detonated.

One bomb killed Majid Shahriar, of the nuclear engineering faculty at the Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran. His wife was in the car with him and was wounded. The second bomb injured Fereidoun Abbasi, 52, a nuclear physicist and professor at Shahid Besheshti, and also injured his wife.

Both men were senior figures in nuclear research. Abbasi, a former Revolutionary Guard, is named in a UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran as working in banned nuclear activities with Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the scientist accused by western governments of running a secret nuclear weapons programme.

Shahriari had no known links to banned nuclear work, but was highly regarded in his field. He co-authored an academic paper on fission in nuclear reactors with Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation. An Iranian news website said he was designing a "new generation of theoretical nuclear reactors".

The attacks were similar to the assassination in January of Masoud Ali Mohammadi, an expert on particle physics, killed by a remote-control bomb strapped to a motorcycle as he was leaving his Tehran home on his way to work.

The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blamed "western governments and the Zionist regime" for the attacks.

Both the US and Israel are reported to be conducting covert operations aimed at slowing Iran's nuclear programme, which Tehran insists is for peaceful purposes but which western governments say is a cover for developing a nuclear warhead. Earlier this year a computer worm, Stuxnet, hit computers around the world but appeared to affect Iranian industrial plant disproportionately, particularly in the nuclear programme. Today, for the first time, Ahmadinejad admitted the worm had affected Iran's uranium enrichment. "They succeeded in creating problems for a limited number of our centrifuges with the software they had installed in electronic parts," the president said. "They did a bad thing. Fortunately our experts discovered that, and today they are not able [to do that] anymore."

Last week the UN nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, reported that the main centrifuge plant at Natanz stopped enriching uranium altogether on November 16, and that there had been a steady decline in functioning centrifuges over the year. Nuclear experts said it was unclear what caused the problems, and speculated it could be a mix of design faults and sabotage.

Other possible suspects include a Sunni rebel group, Jundullah, which today broadcast a video confession of a man it described as a nuclear worker, who admitted the existence of an Iranian weapons programme. There was no immediate way of authenticating the video, and Jundullah made no claims of responsibility for today's bomb attacks.

The People's Mujahedin group has also been blamed by the Iranian government for terrorist incidents in the past, but has claimed in recent years to be pursuing a non-violent path for change in Iran.

Opposition Iranian bloggers were today debating the possibility that the killings were the work of the Revolutionary Guards or the state security services, with the aim of punishing the giving-away of secrets, or of preventing defections. However, there was no evidence to justify any such theory, or explain why Tehran would kill valued academics in this manner, rather than detain them or move them to the guarded compounds on which many Iranian nuclear specialists work, minded by bodyguards.

The attacks have come at a tense time, as the international community ramps up economic sanctions against Tehran, and with the possibility of an Israeli military attack hanging over the nuclear programme. US diplomatic cables leaked this week revealed that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia had repeatedly urged the United States to mount such a military attack.

Iranian officials are due to meet with diplomats from six major powers on Sunday, but there has not yet been agreement on whether the meeting should take place in Turkey (as Tehran wants) or in Switzerland. The meeting would discuss Iran's nuclear programme and a range of other regional security and economic issues.
Who targeted the scientists?

Israel The country is pursuing covert operations aimed at hobbling Iran's nuclear programme, as a less costly alternative to mounting a full-scale military attack. Israeli officials admit that such operations are in progress but they give no detail. Israel is widely believed to be responsible for the Stuxnet computer worm that caused problems for the Iranian uranium enrichment programme. The country also has a record of using assassination as a weapon in what it regards as vital national interests.

United States George Bush, when he was president, ordered a covert programme to sabotage Iran's nuclear ambitions, and that mission is still believed to be under way. Targeted killings have been approved against terrorist targets, but the revelation that a US-backed hit squad was killing civilian scientists would be immensely damaging to the administration.

Jundullah The "Soldiers of God", a Iranian Sunni group based in Iranian Baluchistan, has carried out a series of bloody attacks in recent years that have largely been focused on military targets. The group, known as the People's Resistance Movement of Iran, broadcast a video yesterday of a captive who it claims is a worker from a secret nuclear facility. It did not claim responsibility for the morning's attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists.

The People's Mujahedin (MeK or PMOI) This longstanding rebel group carried out several bombings and assassinations in the years following the 1979 revolution, but has more recently presented itself as a non-violent group. It is focusing its efforts on having itself removed from the US state department's list of terrorist organisations.

Wikileaks: Raja Saudi Desak Amerika Serikat Serang Iran
Senin, 29 November 2010 | 13:36 WIB

TEMPO Interaktif, Washington -Pemimpin Saudi Arabia, Raja Abdullah pernah berulangkali mendesak Amerika Serikat untuk menyerang program nuklir Iran dan Cina yang pernah memerintahkan melakukan serangan maya atas Amerika Serikat. Demikian sejumlah cuplikan nota-nota diplomatik Amerika Serikat yang bocor Ahad waktu Washington (pagi tadi) yang mengguncang diplomasi Amerika.

Menurut The New York Times, lebih dari 250.000 dokumen, yang diberikan kepada lima kelompok media oleh “peniup peluit” situs WikiLeaks, menyediakan pandangan terang dan kadang-kadang kritis terhadap para pemimpin asing serta informasi rahasia mengenai terorisme dan proliferasi nuklir yang dilakukan oleh para diplomat Amerika Serikat.

Gedung Putih mengutuk peluncuran oleh WikiLeaks dan mengatakan pengungkapan bisa membahayakan informan-informan Amerika di luar negeri. WikiLeaks mengatakan situs mereka telah diserang dan tidak ada kawat yang mendasari terlihat di sana pada Minggu malam, meskipun beberapa telah dicatat oleh organisasi-organisasi berita.

Di antara pengungkapan di harian Guardian Inggris, yang juga mendapat sekilas kemajuan pada dokumen bersama dengan harian Le Monde (Prancis), Der Spiegel (Jerman) dan El Pais (Spanyol), Raja Abdullah dilaporkan telah "sering mendorong Amerika untuk menyerang Iran buat menghentikan program senjata nuklirnya".

“Potong kepala si ular,” demikian duta besar Saudi Arabia untuk Washington, Adel al-Jubeir, mengutip perkataan raja selama pertemuan dengan Jenderal Amerika Serikat David Petraeus pada April 2008.

The Times hari ini melaporkan, dokumen-dokumen yang bocor, mayoritas tertanggal dari 2007 dan selanjutnya. Juga mengungkapkan keluhan-keluhan Amerika bahwa Politbiro Cina memerintahkan penyusupan atas sistem komputer Google, bagian dari kempanye terkoordonasi yang lebih besar dari sabotase oleh pemerintah Cina, para pakar keamanan dan hukum internet.

The New York Times | Reuters | dwi a


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