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22/09/2010 - 07:02
Pendeta Pembakar Quran Tewas, Ulama Bersyukur
MA Hailuki

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Informasi tentang tewasnya Pendeta Bob Old pembakar Al Quran di Amerika Serikat, disyukuri kalangan ulama di Indonesia.

KH Jazuli Juwaini mengaku bersyukur saat mendapat kabar tersebut, dia menilai apa yang dialami Bob Old adalah azab balasan dari Allah SWT.

"Subhanallah itu balasan atas perbuatannya membakar Al Quran, itulah laknat Allah untuk dia (Bob Old)," ujar Jazuli kepada INILAH.COM, Rabu (22/9).

Menurut anggota Majelis Syuro (MS) Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) ini, peristiwa tewasnya Pendeta Bob Old akan menjadi pelajaran bagi banyak pihak agar menghormati kitab suci Al Quran.

"Ini pelajaran bukan hanya bagi mereka yang bernafsu membakar Quran tapi bagi umat Islam sendiri bahwasanya Quran adalah firman suci yang tidak ada keraguan didalamnya," ujar Jazuli.

Sebelumnya diberitakan, Pendeta Bob Old, pelaku pembakaran Al Quran di Amerika Serikat ditemukan tewas dimobilnya. Beberapa situs melaporkan, Bob tewas terpanggang dalam sebuah kecelakaan mobil.

Kabar mengenai pendeta asal Tenesse itu juga beredar luas di sejumlah forum di Tanah Air. Situs-situs tersebut mengklaim mengutip berita dari Sky News, salah satu situs berita AS. [mah]

Springfield Pastor Plans To Burn Quran

Posted: Sep 10, 2010 10:19 AM

by Kim Gebbia

SPRINGFIELD, Tenn. - Springfield Pastor Bob Old said his decision to burn the Islamic holy book on September 11 has nothing to do with the agenda of the pastor in Florida or the controversy surrounding the mosque in New York.

He has his own reasons behind the demonstrations and no intentions of backing down.

"My plans for Saturday are to take a copy of the Quran and burn it," said Old.

He's planning to go forward with the demonstration on 9/11 to be able to make his point and have it heard.

"To the Muslim church I would say the reason I am doing on Saturday because I believe they worship a false god. They have a false text, a false prophet and a false scripture," said Old.

He said the other two reasons are to teach Americans about their constitutional rights and to make them better Christians.

Both General Patraeus and President Obama have spoken out against such demonstrations, worried it will be perceived as an act of hate by Muslims around the world.

But for Old, he asked "How can it be an act of hate when what I am doing is trying to save their souls?"

Military officials worry Old's actions could be putting American lives in danger overseas.

Tanya Fierro, the wife of a Fort Campbell soldier in Afghanistan is upset to hear about Old's plans.

"It's sad because it's a minority, but their actions can be so far reaching and I don't think they understand that," Fierro said.

What's even harder for Fierro to understand is why someone in her own state, who lives just miles from her Tennessee home, would want to put her husband's life and 17,000 other Fort Campbell troops in even more danger while serving their country in a war zone.

"I just want to know that my husband is safe and I wish that more people would stop and say whoa, I need to think about this, it's going to put more lives at risk," said Fierro.

Old answered to Fierro's concerns.

"Does it concern me? I would say to the troops that I would not want to bring any harm to them," Old said.

But he knows it could and that Saturday's demonstration could bring harm to him as well.

Old said he's already had two death threats since he went public with his plans.

"I believe I am right and I am willing to die for that," said Old.

Old plans to burn the Quran on Saturday at noon and post the video on immediately afterwards.


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