Media passively supporting terrorism, says former JI member
Dicky Christanto, The Jakarta Post | Thu, 06/23/2011 12:41 PM

The Indonesian media is acting as a passive supporter of terrorism because it fails to censor certain terms used by several terrorist figures, an expert says.

Nasir Abas, a former member of the Al Qaeda-linked Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) group, said local media often mislead readers by using terminology readers wouldn’t necessarily understand.

“Using the term 'bride', for example, to refer to a suicide bomber, without bothering to explain to readers that the term is totally wrong and misleading,” Nasir said at a seminar on terrorism on Thursday.

The term “bride” is often used by terrorists because they believe that if they die on a suicide mission they will be picked up by angels with whom they will marry and live happily ever after, he said.

Another example was “mujahid”, a word Nasir said had often been used by terrorist convict Abu Bakar Ba’asyir.

“Initially, the term mujahid was used to refer to a man who defended Islam, and it did not solely refer to physical war. Thus media have a responsibility to explain the difference,” he said.

If not explained properly, these two terms could give readers the wrong impression, especially younger readers, he said.

“Youths might start to see these as a tempting truth, and afterwards look for answers in the wrong direction and very soon they might find they have gone too far,” he said.


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