die hard of terrorism : the final fate of ISIS (2)


intellnews: The Islamic State is facing imminent financial collapse, according to a new study conducted by a London-based research group in association with one of the world’s leading international accounting firms. The recently launched report is entitled Caliphate in Decline: An Estimate of Islamic State’s Financial Fortunes. The analysis that forms the basis of the report was conducted by scholars at the International Center for the Study of Radicalization, a research center that operates out of the Department of War Studies at King’s College in London. The report’s authors were joined by financial analysts at Ernst & Young, a British-based company that is often referred to as one of the world’s ‘big four’ accounting firms.
The report challenges the widely accepted claim that the Islamic State is the wealthiest terrorist organization in history. Its authors argue that the organization’s wealth is connected to its function as “a quasi-state”, with a geographical territory under its control and a subject population that lives in it. Territorial control, say the report’s authors, allows the Islamic State to amass significant revenue from sources like direct and indirect taxation, extraction of natural resources, and confiscation of property from citizens, among others. Even though much of the Islamic State’s financial activity is hidden, the study uses open sources to make the claim that the group’s income in 2014 was close to $2 billion. Last year, however, the overall income amassed from all sources dropped to less than $900 million, an estimated reduction of 45 percent, say the researchers.
The reason for the drop is that the financial revenue model of the Islamic State is directly linked to its territorial control. In comparison to the peak of its power in the spring of 2014, the Islamic State has today lost control of over 60 percent of its territory in Iraq and nearly a third of its territory in neighboring Syria. As coalition forces are beginning to retake Mosul, the Islamic State is facing the potential loss of the caliphate’s commercial capital. These developments will continue to seriously erode the group’s tax base and severely limit its revenue streams. There are no signs, say the researchers, that the Islamic State has been able to devise new forms of revenue streams that are not connected to direct territorial control. However, the authors of the study warn that a potential financial collapse of the Islamic State will not prevent the organization from carrying out terrorist activities in the Middle East and beyond.
► Author: Joseph Fitsanakis | Date: 01 March 2017 | Permalink

intellnews: A new study by a British-based organization details for the first time the views of dozens of former Islamic State fighters who have defected from the group in the past year. The study shows that most defectors were disillusioned after witnessing high levels of corruption among Islamic State members, or in response to the extreme violence perpetrated by the group against other Sunni Muslims. The research was carried out by the London-based International Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence (ICSR), which said it gathered the publicly expressed views of nearly 60 Islamic State members who left the organization between August 2014 and August 2015.
According to ICSR Director Peter Neumann, who authored the report (.pdf), just over 30 percent of the defectors from the Islamic State are Syrian citizens, while one in four were born in other Middle Eastern countries. Neumann told a press conference held in London on Monday that many of the defectors saw life under the rule of the Islamic State as too austere. They also believed that the group was too unforgiving against fellow Sunni Muslims who did not agree with its stern doctrine. Some of the defectors complained that Islamic State commanders were more interested in launching attacks against other Sunni rebel groups than against the government of Syria, which is ostensibly the Islamic State’s foremost rival. Additionally, some defectors said that Islamic State commanders were obsessed and paranoid about alleged traitors and spies within the group’s ranks, and that they often ordered the execution of Islamic State fighters based on little or no evidence.
A smaller number of defectors said they had experienced racism from other Islamic State members, while others said that combat duties under Islamic State command was neither action-filled nor heroic. Moreover, luxury goods looted from civilians were rarely handed down to regular Islamic State troops by their commanders. Some defectors also stated that non-Arab fighters were used “as cannon fodder” by the Islamic State in battles that took place in Syria and Iraq. Neumann told reporters on Monday that the ICSR study challenged the portrayal of harmony and dedication that the Islamic State had carefully cultivated on social media.
► Author: Joseph Fitsanakis | Date: 23 September 2015 | Permalink

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Sekretaris Umum Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah Abdul Mu'ti mengatakan, pengaitan paham wahabi dengan terorisme sudah tidak lagi relevan. Ini karena perilaku radikal tidak melulu terkait dengan aspek agama.

"Ada analisis lama yang menurut saya tidak lagi relevan yang mencoba mencari pembenaran teologis bahwa akar terorisme dan radikalisme adalah wahabisme," kata Mu'ti di Jakarta, Selasa (28/2).

Untuk itu, Mu'ti berharap masyarakat tidak perlu terlalu khawatir dengan paham Wahabi yang kerap lekat dengan Arab Saudi. Terlebih lagi, Raja Saudi saat ini sedang melangsungkan kunjungan ke Indonesia.

"Ini penting karena ada tuduhan yang mengaitkan antara aksi terorisme, salafisme, dan wahabisme," katanya.

Menurut dia, terdapat banyak faktor yang menyebabkan radikalisme dan terorisme muncul. Faktor-faktor itu sangat luas tidak hanya terkait teologi saja, tetapi juga karena faktor sosial, politik, ekonomi, dan lainnya.

Faktor di luar aspek teologi, kata dia, justru menjadi unsur terkuat memunculkan radikalisme dan terorisme. Misalnya, ada faktor ketimpangan ekonomi serta kemiskinan yang dapat membuat orang terdesak sehingga mau melakukan berbagai upaya termasuk tindakan radikal.

"Justru faktor nonteologis atau di luar agama, yaitu faktor sosial, politik, dan ekonomi, justru itu yang punya pengaruh besar yang mendorong seseorang atau kelompok menjadi radikal," katanya.
Sumber : Antara
Jakarta detik- Sejumlah kesepakatan akan ditandatangani dalam kunjungan kenegaraan Raja Arab Saudi, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud ke Indonesia. Namun yang terpenting adalah kesepakatan untuk memerangi terorisme ISIS.

Duta Besar Saudi untuk Indonesia Osama Mohammad Abdullah Alshuaibi mengatakan hal tersebut dalam wawancara dengan media Reuters hari ini.

"Kami tahu Indonesia telah menderita akibat pengeboman dan terorisme di sini," ujar Alshuaibi yang secara khusus menyebut kelompok radikal ISIS yang disebutnya "memiliki ideologi berbeda dan tidak menghargai nyawa manusia".

"Kami akan bekerja sama dengan Indonesia dalam bidang ini. Kita bisa bertukar data, kita bisa bertukar pengalaman, dan kita bisa mengalahkan orang-orang ini (ISIS)," imbuh Dubes Saudi itu seperti dilansir Reuters, Selasa (28/2/2017).

Dikatakan Alshuaibi, para perwira militer Saudi dan Indonesia saling berlatih di masing-masing negara untuk memerangi ISIS.

Disampaikan Dubes Saudi itu, selain kerja sama memerangi ISIS, Saudi juga berniat untuk membuka lebih banyak sekolah Islam di Indonesia, yang akan mengajarkan pendidikan agama dengan menggunakan bahasa Arab.

Raja Salman akan melakukan kunjungan kenegaraan ke Indonesia pada 1-9 Maret 2017. Tak tanggung-tanggung, pemimpin Arab Saudi tersebut membawa rombongan dengan jumlah yang cukup besar, yakni kurang lebih 1.500 orang, termasuk 10 menteri dan 25 pangeran. Ini merupakan kunjungan kenegaraan pertama Arab Saudi ke Indonesia setelah 47 tahun. 
THE CONVERSATION: Many claim that the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Islamic State (IS) is one of patron and client. IS, they argue, is a pawn of the Saudi regime, used to check the “rising” Shi'a power of Iran in the Middle East.
This allegation typically presents certain shared principles between the official Saudi interpretation of Islam and the doctrine motivating IS as damning evidence of complicity between the two.
Although there is a certain truth to this, it assumes a wilful agency on Saudi Arabia’s part that simply isn’t there. Saudi citizens supporting IS’s activities in Iraq and Syria are not the result of a coherent plan directed by the kingdom’s rulers, but the overflow of a long-standing system used to maintain its domestic legitimacy.

Evolution of state control

The Saudi state has relied on the ultra-conservative Wahhabi movement since both emerged in the mid-18th century.
Wahhabism was built on the desire to stamp out religious innovation and restore the “proper” Islam. Its initial power rested on two sources – the common distaste among the inhabitants of Central Arabia for such innovation and preacher Muhammad Abd al-Wahhab’s ability to channel this grievance into a populist doctrine.
The call produced something never encountered before in the region: a proper mass movement.
The Saudis, a small clan of oasis nobility, formed a symbiotic relationship with Wahhab. It lent him military support in return for the movement’s resources and legitimacy. Wahhab agreed to defer all matters of state and politics, restricting clerical activities to administering the social and metaphysical spheres.
As “guardians” of Islam, the Saudis were able to differentiate themselves from their local competitors. Revivalism attached a mass appeal to their mission of conquest in an environment typified by disparate local identities and “petty sheiks”. The resultant state came to be viewed as key to safeguarding the Wahhabi community, a central factor in its expansion over much of the Arabian Peninsula by the late 19th century.
Realising the importance of the ongoing ideological support of its subjects, the Saudi regime sought to instil Wahhabism throughout conquered territories. The primary motivation for Saudi leaders was political. By instilling the revivalist identity into greater numbers of its subjects, the state was creating demand for its own rule.
Key to this effort was the securitisation of heterodox sects, such as the Shi'a. These “others” were presented as a threat to the community’s metaphysical integrity due to their inauthentic practices, which were not encountered during Islam’s early period. The logic dictated that their existence necessitated a higher authority to moderate society and ensure the correct Islamic form was maintained.
This is hardly a novel concept. States commonly construct threats of external war and terror in order to gain domestic power. A by-product of such activities has often been the rise of destructive exclusivist nationalism and xenophobia.
Where the Saudi state remains novel is in its use of a purely metaphysical threat, the extent that it has relied on this to maintain its position, and the longevity of the effort itself.


Glitches in the system

The state’s arms have commonly been employed to ensure this status quo. Saudi Arabia’s education system has been criticised for promoting a radicalising, sectarian narrative that encourages violence against those outside the sanctioned community.
But while Saudi Arabia has carefully crafted an image as Islam’s protector, it nevertheless has aimed to keep policymaking pragmatic, not ideological. Decisions of economic and foreign policy have tended to be dominated by technocrats, not clerics. In this, religion is often invoked, but generally when it is instrumental to a wider political goal.
Ironically, for Saudis this arrangement has meant that the state has been a prominent promoter of the “innovation” so detested in classical revivalist thought.
This tension has occasionally produced outbreaks of violence. The 1927 Ikhwan revolt was sparked in part by King Abd al-Aziz’s refusal to exterminate the Shi'a of al-Hasa and his diplomatic relations with external “infidel” powers.
Similarly, the 1979 Siege of Mecca was a rejection of the previous two decades of radical modernisation initiated by King Faisal. The 2003 attacks by al-Qaeda inside Saudi Arabia were partially motivated by its accommodation of “infidels”.
Historically, this blowback has been largely domestic. Only since the 1990s have these types of unintended outcomes been felt internationally.
This shift can be attributed to several factors. The most prominent among them was Saudi Arabia’s tacit support for participation in the Afghanistan wars of the 1980s.
The primary motivation for this was not one of ideology, but political pragmatism. Saudi Arabia was experiencing an economic downturn in which household incomes fell by more than half and unemployment skyrocketed. At the same time the regime was struggling with a rising Islamist current in the wake of the Iranian revolution, which was increasingly calling into question its legitimacy to rule.
With a large number of disenfranchised young men at home, a rival power walking into a geopolitical beartrap and a need to appear to the Muslim community to be increasingly activist, the decision was aimed at killing three birds with one stone. Thanks to its strong influence over domestic Islamic identity, it took little encouragement to mobilise thousands of young Saudis into a conflict with a new infidel threat. Although Saudi Arabia began actively discouraging such behaviour after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989, the genie had been let out of the bottle.
Saudis continued to flock to “pan-Islamic” conflicts throughout the 1990s and the 2000s – in Kosovo, Tajikistan, Chechnya, Iraq and, most recently, Syria. They gravitated towards religiously hardline groups, whose ideologies meshed well with the sectarian narrative of their upbringing.

Treating the symptom, not the wound

While Saudi Arabia has made several attempts to stem the flow of fighters and finances to groups like IS, it has been careful not to appear overly oppressive for fear of antagonising its own constituents. It may decry such groups, but it continues to promote a system that inadvertently supports them.
Revivalist scholars claim that Saudi Arabia’s doctrine is intrinsically opposed to the IS worldview. They cite esoteric textual minutiae to support such assertions. But such arguments miss a wider point: the issues at play are far less about literary nuance than the wider emotional, psychological and sociological themes that Saudi Arabia promotes in its populace.
Such structures created a demand for sectarian confrontation in some people that cannot be met by the state and which drives them towards radical action. Until such deeper issues are dealt with, other responses will merely be token.
Unfortunately, the domestic efficacy of Saudi Arabia’s control means that it is unlikely to be reformed any time soon. The state’s manipulation of its population’s sectarianism during the Arab Spring, for example, was key to its effective management of the 2011 crisis.
Within this wider context, the ruling elite see the extremist habits of a small number of Saudis as an unfortunate yet tolerable side-effect of a system that has allowed them to remain in power for nearly 300 years.
This certainly does not diminish the Saudi state’s culpability. But it does pose the question: how does one change an entire system of popular governance that inadvertently produces such outcomes and appears structurally incapable of preventing them?
BANDUNG (Pos Kota) – Identitas pelaku peledakan bom panci di Taman Pandawa, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, mulai terkuak. Senin (27/2/2017) warga menemukan fotocopi KTP atas nama Yayat Cahyadi.
Pria yang ditembak mati ini lahir di Purwakarta 24 Januari 1975. Alamatnya, tercatat sebagai warga RT 03 RW 01, Kampung Cukanggenteng, Desa Cukanggenteng, Kecamatan Pasirjambu, Kabupaten Bandung.
“Pria yang ada di fotocopi KTP wajahnya sama dengan pria yang lari ke kantor kelurahan setelah ada ledakan di taman,“ Nunung,40, seorang warga.
Dari taman itu, warga pun melaporkan ke polisi penemuan STNK sepeda motor lima meter dari lokasi ledakan bom rakitan. Dalam STNK tercatat nomor polisi kendaraan T 4812 EV atas nama pemilik Damawi warga Kampung Sukagalih RT 11 RW 04. Teluk Jamabe, Karawang.
“ Motor berhasil diamankan karena di parkir di Taman Pandawa. “ Semua barang bukti sudah diamankan polisi.”
Diberitakan, pria ini setelah meledakan bom di taman langsung bersembunyi di kantor Kelurahan Arjuna. Setelah dikepung berjam-jam, sekitar pukul 12:00 Wib, polisi ahkirnya megeksekusi pria bom panci. Terkait barang bukti sepeda motor, foto kopi KTP dan STNK, hingga kini belum ada keterangan resmi dari pihak kepolisian.


Liputan6.com, Mosul - Seorang militan Belgia memiliki rekam medis yang mengatakan ia menderita sakit punggung dan menolak untuk berperang. Sementara, seorang warga Prancis mengklaim ia ingin meninggalkan Irak untuk jadi bomber di negaranya.
Beberapa militan asing juga minta untuk ditranfer ke Suriah dan lainnya menolak untuk turut berperang.
Itu adalah secuplik isi dari dokumen yang dimiliki ISIS yang berisi ada sekitar 14 masalah di batalion Tariq Bin Ziyad yang mengepalai militan asing.
Dokumen itu ditemukan oleh tentara Irak setelah berhasil merebut kembali Mosul bulan lalu.
Di masa jaya-jayanya, ISIS menarik ribuan calon setiap bulan dan menguasai sekitar sepertiga dari wilayah Irak, dan militan asing yang mengalir dari berbagai negara telah ditandai sebagai pejuang yang paling kejam. Tapi kelompok teroris itu terus kehilangan tanah kekuasaan dan daya tarik.
Para militan terkepung di bagian barat Mosul. Kekalahan kelompok ini telah memicu kekhawatiran di Eropa bahwa para pejuang kecewa mungkin menemukan jalan pulang.
"Dia tak mau perang, dan ingin kembali ke Prancis," tulis catatan tentang pemuda 24 tahun yang tercatat sebagai penduduk Prancis keturunan Algeria.
"Ia mengklaim akan jadi martir di Prancis. Klaim sakit tapi tak ada laporan medis," lanjut dokumen itu seperti dikutip dari The Independent pada Minggu (12/1/2017).
Militan itu merupakan salah satu dari lima militan yang terdaftar berasal dari Prancis.
Prancis adalah negara 'penghasil' militan asing ISIS jika dibanding negara Eropa lainnya semenjak 2011. Mereka turut bergabung setelah Suriah bergejolak akibat perang sipil melawan Presiden Bashar al-Assad pecah.
Pemerintah Prancis melaporkan pada pertengahan 2016 telah terjadi penurunan drastis warga negaranya yang bepergian ke Suriah dan Irak untuk bergabung dengan ISIS. Namun memastikan masih ada 700 warganya di dua negara itu. Termasuk 275 perempuan dan 17 anak-anak.
Dokumen itu tertanggal tahun 2015 namun juga tertera tanggal spesifik pada tahun 2016.
Dalam dokumen itu juga tertera nama para militan, negara asal, negara tempat tinggal, tanggal lahir, golongan darah dan kemampuan menggunakan senjata. Juga, tertera sejumlah istri, anak-anak, dan budak seks yang mereka miliki.
Termasuk pula foto, tetapi sulit untuk memverifikasi kebenaran informasi pribadi itu. Kendati demikian, tentara Irak yang menemukann dokumen itu percaya bahwa itu asli.
Lebih dari 4.000 militan asing meninggalkan negara-negara Uni Eropa menuju Irak dan Suriah. Lebih dari sepertiganya pulang. Demikian menurut laporan International Centre for Counter-Terrorism yang berbasis di Den Haag.
Sekitar 14 dikonfirmasi tewas dan sisanya berada di dua negara itu ataupun keberadaannya tak diketahui.
"Banyak orang mengatakan mereka kebanyakan termotivasi, namun ketika sampai di Irak atau Suriah, bayangan mereka atas iming-iming buyar," kata Aymenn al-Timimi, analis spesialis kelompok militan.
Sementara menurut Edwin Bakker, peneliti di International Centre for Counter-Terrorism dan profesor anti-terorisme di Leiden University di Belanda mengatakan, militan dari negara-negara Eropa dikenal oleh para agen intelijen. Namun, mereka yang berasal dari Bosnia dan Kosovo tidak terlalu diketahui latar belakangnya.
Dengan perbatasan yang terbuka di Eropa, para militan ini mungkin bisa pulang dan melancarkan serangan di Benua Biru, kata Bakker.
"Namun, gelombang tsunami militan pulang ke Eropa itu berlebihan," lanjut Bakker.
"Meski demikian, jangan meremehkan jumlah mereka yang tinggal dan meninggal di sana," tambahnya.
Letjen Abdul Ghani al-Assadi, komandan militer Irak mengatakan, banyak tentara asing di Mosul. Mereka juga berani mati jadi bomber bunuh diri dan bertanggung jawwab atas 350 serangan bom kepada tentara Irak.
Di salah satu bekas markasi ISIS di kawasan Dhubat di Mosul, al-Assado menemukan puluhan paspor. 16 dari Rusia, empat dari Prancis. Juga ada 20 paspor kosong Irak. Ia berspekulasi para militan itu berhasil keluar dari negara itu.
Meskipun kemajuan pesat menguasai di Mosul timur, jenderal Irak masih mengharapkan pertarungan berdarah di masa depan. Sisi barat kota, rumah bagi 750.000 warga sipil, dikelilingi oleh pasukan Irak dan anggota Isis masih di situ. Mereka memiliki sedikit pilihan selain melawan atau mati.
"Masih banyak orang yang termotivasi," kata Bakker. "Mayoritas yang ada untuk berperang."


Jakarta detik- Polri mengatakan salah satu dari 17 WNI yang dideportasi dari Turki beberapa waktu lalu adalah istri dari Bahrumsyah. Bahrumsyah adalah warga Indonesia yang ditokohkan dalam gerakan ISIS.

"Yang di Bambu Apus itu inisial NK kalau enggak salah namanya Nia Kurniati itu istri daripada Bahrumsyah," kata Kepala Biro Penerangan Masyarakat Divisi Humas Polri, Brigjen Rikwanto di kompleks Mabes Polri, Selasa (7/2/2017).

Nia Kurniati merupakan seorang janda yang diperistri oleh Bahrumsyah. 

"Dia (Nia) memang seorang janda diperistri oleh Bahrumsyah. Istri ketiga," ujarnya.

Diserahkan ke Dinsos Pondok Bambu

Namun setelah diperiksa secara intensif di Mako Brimob Kelapa Dua, Depok, Nia Kurniati tidak terbukti telah melakukan tindakan terorisme. Sehingga dia dan belasan WNI lainnya diserahkan kepada Dinas Sosial di Bambu Apus untuk direhabilitasi.

"Setelah pemeriksaan oleh Densus di Kelapa Dua tidak ditemukan unsur-unsur dia telah melakukan terorisme sehingga dikirimkan ke rumah rehabilitasi milik Kementrian Sosial di Bambu Apus," jelas jenderal bintang satu tersebut.

Bahrumsyah merupakan WNI yang menjadi salah satu petinggi atau tokoh di gerakan teroris tersebut. Namun Rikwanto tidak menjelaskan lebih jauh apa peran Bahrumsyah di ISIS. Yang jelas, posisi Bahrumsyah saat ini masih berada di Suriah, bersama dengan Bahrun Naim.

"(Bahrumsyah) Salah satu orang Indonesia yang ditokohkan di ISIS," pungkasnya.

Tercatat ada tiga Warga Negara Indonesia yang menjadi tokoh di gerakan ISIS, yaitu Bahrun Naim, Bahrumsyah, dan Abu Jandal. 
INILAHCOM, Baghdad - Perdana Menteri Irak, Haider al-Abadi, mengatakan bahwa pasukan keamanan butuh tiga bulan lagi untuk melenyapkan ISIS dari negara itu usai melancarkan serangan terhadap kelompok bersenjata itu pada Oktober.
"Data yang ada mengindikasikan bahwa Irak butuh tiga bulan untuk menghabisi Daesh," kata al Abadi dalam sebuah konferensi pers yang disiarkan televisi pada Selasa (27/12/2016) merujuk pada akronim ISIS dalam bahasa Arab, lansir kantor berita AFP.
Sebelumnya, dia berjanji merebut kembali kota Mosul yang diduduki "sebelum akhir tahun ini", target yang sudah tidak mungkin lagi dicapai.
Apa yang dimulai dengan serangan cepat ke Mosul, yang dikuasai ekstremis sejak Juni 2014, berubah menjadi perang kejam per blok dengan ISIS menewaskan banyak pasukan Irak yang menyerang.
Sejak operasi yang dimulai pada 17 Oktober, pasukan elite Irak sudah menguasai beberapa bagian timur Mosul dan bergerak mendekat ke Tigris, sungai yang membelah kota tersebut, namun ISIS masih menduduki wilayah barat.
ISIS menguasai wilayah luas di utara dan barat Baghdad pada 2014, namun pasukan Irak yang didukung serangan udara pimpinan Amerika Serikat sejak itu merebut kembali banyak wilayah yang sebelumnya dikuasai ISIS.
- See more at: http://dunia.inilah.com/read/detail/2349006/pm-irak-butuh-3-bulan-lagi-untuk-lenyapkan-isis#sthash.1KBKwzgh.dpuf

, KOMPAS.com - Kapala Kepolisian Daerah Jawa Barat Irjen Anton Charliyan mengaku kesulitan menangkap dua terduga teroris di rumah apung atau keramba jaring apung (KJA) JatiluhurPurwakarta. Dua orang terduga teroris tewas dalam operasi penggerebekan itu. 

"Pertanyaannya, mengapa harus di rumah apung, sehingga menyulitkan (penangkapan). Ketika kami minta mereka menyerah, mereka malah menyerang," ujar Anton di lokasi kejadian, Minggu (25/12/2016).
Anton menjelaskan, jika mereka tidak menyerang, maka polisi tidak akan mengeluarkan tembakan. Namun karena terduga teroris melakukan penyerangan, polisi pun mengeluarkan tembakan.
"Yang tidak menyerang selamat. Yang menyerang apa boleh buat. Karena kita kan tidak tahu mereka bawa bahan peledak atau tidak," ucapnya.
Anton mengaku masih bertanya-tanya kenapa bisa di rumah terapung. Karena jika terduga teroris ini sampai meledakkan Waduk Jatiluhur, bisa memakan korban banyak.
"Coba kalau bendungan ini diledakkan mau jadi apa? Purwakarta, Karawang, Bandung (akan jadi korban) akan jadi korban. Makanya segera kita lumpuhkan," ungkapnya.
Anton bahkan sempat membandingkan dengan jumlah korban teroris di Gedung World Trade Center (WTC), New York, Amerika Serikat. Menurut Anton, jika Waduk Jatiluhur diledakkan, jumlah korban bisa lebih banyak dibanding jumlah korban terorisme di WTC.
Datasemen Khusus 88 Antiteror Polri menggerebek dua tempat terduga teroris di Ubrug, Jatiluhur. Dari penggerebegan tersebut, dua orang berhasil ditangkap.
Kedua lainnya tewas karena melakukan perlawanan. Dua terduga teroris yang berhasil ditangkap bernama Rizal alias Abu Arham (29) dan Ivan Rahmat Syarif.

Keduanya warga Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Sedangkan dua orang yang tewas dikenal dengan nama Abu Sovi alias Abu Azis alias Mas Brow warga Kabupaten Bandung, dan Abu Faiz warga Kabupaten Bandung Barat.
TEMPO.COJakarta - Presiden Joko Widodo mengapresiasi aksi cepat yang dilakukan kepolisian ihwal temuan bom di Tangerang Selatan. Di tengah kunjungan kerja di Entikong, Kalimantan Barat, Presiden bersyukur aparat bisa mengamankan bom aktif sebelum diledakkan.

"Saya apresiasi kepada jajaran Polri sehingga hal yang tidak diinginkan bisa dicegah sebelum kejadian," kata Jokowi dalam siaran pers yang diterima Tempo, Rabu, 21 Desember 2016. Di negara lain, ucap dia, penanganan terorisme kerap dilakukan setelah kejadian.

BacaTerduga Teroris Jaringan Bahrun Naim Ditangkap di Deliserdang

Karena itu, Jokowi mengajak masyarakat meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan berpartisipasi memberantas aksi terorisme. "Kalau ada yang perlu dilaporkan, segera laporkan ke aparat," ucapnya.

Pagi tadi, Detasemen Khusus 88 Antiteror menggerebek sebuah rumah kontrakan terduga teroris. Polisi mengamankan sejumlah barang di rumah yang beralamat di RT 02 RW 01 Desa Babakan, Kecamatan Setu, Kota Tangerang Selatan, itu. Dalam penggerebekan tersebut, petugas menemukan bom rakitan dan peluru.

SimakTeroris Akan Ledakkan Bom di Dekat Eka Hospital BSDPresiden menambahkan, aksi teror bom tak hanya dialami Indonesia. Menurut dia, terorisme telah menjadi persoalan di banyak negara. "Kami berharap masyarakat ikut serta membentengi negara dari terorisme, dari radikalisme," ujar Jokowi.



Jakarta - Detasemen Khusus 88/Antiteror kembali menangkap jaringan teroris yang berencana mengebom Istana Kepresidenan, setelah menemukan bom berdaya ledak tinggi di Bekasi, pekan lalu. Terduga teroris yang dibekuk di Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, adalah TS alias UA.
Pelaku dibekuk pada Kamis (15/12) dini hari sekitar pukul 04.30 di rumah kontrakan di Jalan Padasuka/Babakan Jawa RT 03/RW 10 Kelurahan Sukamaju Kaler Kecamaatan Indihiang, Kota Tasikmalaya.
”TS alias UA, yang lahir di Ciamis pada 25 September 1979 dan berstatus sebagai ibu rumah tangga itu menawarkan jihad dan atau memberikan motivasi serta mempertemukan Dian Yulia Novi (terduga teroris 'pengantin' yang ditangkap di Bekasi) dengan M. Nur Solihin,” kata Kabag Penum Polri Kombes Martinus Sitompul di Mabes Polri Kamis.
Pelaku, dan suaminya, HG, diamankan ke Mapolresta Tasikmalaya Kota untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan.

Farouk Arnaz/FMB


TEMPO.COBekasi - Sepanjang 2016, menurut catatan Tempo, beberapa kali Densus 88 Antiteror Mabes Polri melakukan penangkapan terduga teroris di Bekasi. Penangkapan terbaru dilakukan terhadap perempuan calon pengantin bom, Dian Yulia Novi, di rumah indekosnya pada Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016.

Petugas menemukan bom seberat tiga kilogram dengan daya ledak tinggi. Bom itu terbuat dari benda menyerupai penanak nasi. Selain Dian, polisi juga menangkap dua orang pria, masing-masing Nur Solihin, dan Agus Supriyadi di Kalimalang.

Sementara, menurut Kepala Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kota Bekasi, Momon Sulaiman, lembaganya yang tergabung dalam Komite Intelijen Daerah (Kominda) sudah bekerja maksimal untuk mendeteksi orang yang dicurigai dalam gerakan radikal.

"Bekasi ini kan daerah urban, jadi banyak pendatang baru," kata Momon kepada Tempo, belum lama ini. Menurut dia, pihaknya tak bisa berbuat banyak kepada orang-orang yang dicurigai bagian dari kelompok radikal tersebut. Alasannya, penindakan harus disertai dengan alat bukti yang cukup.

Berikut penangkapan terduga teroris di Bekasi oleh Densus 88 sepanjang 2016.

1. 15 Januari 2016, Densus 88 menangkap pasangan suami-istri di sebuah rumah kontrakan di Kelurahan Bojongrawalumbu, Kecamatan Rawalumbu, Kota Bekasi. Penangkapan itu berkaitan dengan bom Sarinah di Jakarta.

2. 15 Januari 2016, Densus 88 menangkap tiga orang laki-laki dari sebuah rumah kontrakan di Kelurahan Padurenan, Kecamatan Mustikajaya. Mereka yang ditangkap baru empat hari mengontrak rumah di wilayah tersebut.

3. 28 September 2016 Densus 88 menyergap Agus alias Abu Fauzan di Jalan Raya Mustikasari, Mustikajaya, Kota Bekasi. Agus merupakan pendatang tinggal selama dua tahun di Kampung Kelapa 2 RT 1 RW 8, Kelurahan Padurenan.

4. 18 November 2016, Densus 88 Antiteror menangkap lima orang laki-laki terduga teroris di Desa Lubang Buaya, Kecamatan Setu, Kabupaten Bekasi. Mereka baru sepekan mengontrak dua rumah.

5. 10 Desember 2016, Densus 88 menangkap tiga orang terduga teroris di Bintara Jaya, Kecamatan Bekasi Barat, Kota Bekasi. Mereka adalah Dian Yulia Novi, Agus Supriyadi, dan Nur Solihin. Petugas menemukan bom siap ledak seberat 3 kilogram.


(CNN)As many as 50,000 ISIS fighters have been killed since the war against the terror group began, a senior US military official told CNN.
The official called that figure a conservative estimate.
ISIS recruitment also has fallen off. It recruited only several hundred foreign fighters this year, compared with a couple thousand a month last year, CNN has learned.
    In addition, the official also revealed Thursday that in May 2015, US special operations forces came "tantalizingly close" to capturing or killing ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi in Raqqa, but failed to do so because classified information was leaked to the news media.
    The official briefed reporters at the Pentagon on the condition his name not be used due to the sensitivity of the information.
    The official noted that after the May 2015 raid in Syria that killed ISIS operative Abu Sayyaf and led to the capture of his wife, the US got valuable information on Baghdadi from the wife after two days of interrogation.
    At the time, she told them "last week we were with Al Baghdadi in Raqqa," the official said. "We had been tracking them in Raqqa, so we went back frantically to try to figure out where he (Baghdadi) was in Raqqa."
    But the official said communications that were being monitored dried up which the official blamed news stories that were published about intelligence learned from the raid.
    The senior military official also disclosed that earlier this week when President Barack Obama visited the US military in Florida he privately spoke about the incoming Trump administration to General Joseph Votel, head of US Central Command, and General Tony Thomas, head of US Special Operations Command.
    "He asked specifically are there things we could be doing as an administration" to assist a smooth transition on military issues such as fighting ISIS and counterterrorism, the official said. The official would not discuss Votel's answer but broadly noted that Thomas spoke about some changes to how special operations interact with the rest of the government.
    The bulk of the meeting with reporters dealt with the issue of special operations taking a leading role in coordinating across the entire US government efforts to counter extremist threats against the US and coalition partners originating from overseas.
    The matter has caused bureaucratic headaches inside the Pentagon and Congress over the question of whether special operations forces like Delta Force and Navy Seals will operate overseas more than they already do. The official insisted special operations have no new authorities to operate. But special operations forces will set up a new center to coordinate their operations with coalition forces and other government agencies at an "undisclosed location," the official said.
    The official revealed for the last 18 months there has been a US military policy that airstrikes are only allowed against targets where 10 or less civilians might be killed.
    In a related matter, special operations is also set to become the leading part of the military for "countering weapons of mass destruction," taking that role over from the US Strategic Command.
    There is growing concern that North Korea is edging closer to being able to deploy a nuclear weapon. The official said the US believes it has the capability to mate a nuclear warhead, missile and delivery system.
    "It's the threat that keeps me awake at night," the official said. The only issue holding the North Koreans off at this point appears to be they have not mastered the technology to make a weapon re-enter the earth's atmosphere to reach its target. All of this is leading to stepped up "contingency planning," to deal with North Korea's nuclear capability if it came to that, the official said.


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